Monday, April 18, 2005

"Mosquito Barricade"

Sorry for not updating my blog..My browser was not working properly but now it's all perfectly fine now..Anyway, There is this interesting article on this month's issue of "Discover" . In summary, it is something like why mosquitoes like some people better than others. I would take out only the more interesting and more important part: " 'Mosquitoes find their victims by homing in on specific molecules emanating from human breath and skin,' says team leader Jennifer Mordue, 'and some people's particular blend or molecules is more attractive than others. ' After putting mosquitoes in the base of a y-shaped tube with different blends of human compounds at each end, Mordue watched whick fork the bugs preferred.
After repeated tests, Mordue isolated several compounds that were as powerful as commercial sprays at deterring mosquitoes. 'These compounds are only present normally in a fraction of people, preharps those who evolved a bit of extra resistance,' she says. Mordue suggests that rather than repelling mosquitoes , the compounds mask molecules that normally attract them. For example, the repellent deet doesn't harm insects; it just interferes with their ability to detect a specific molecule on human skin that acts as a powerful attractant." Tune in next week for more articles..